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Birthday musings

  Monday is my birthday.  January 20th is also an inauguration every 4 years.  I was born the day Nixon was inaugurated.   The first election I voted in was Clinton v Bush. Clinton was inaugurated on my birthday that year.  January is a weird month.  Everyone is broke and depressed and tired of being cold. January 20th is the exact cusp on Capricorn and Aquarius.  No matter how many astrologers argue that there’s no such thing as a cusp, I will argue that a 0° sign is.  January 20 is 0° Aquarius, which makes us full of undiluted Aquarian energy.  Aquarians are idealistic and humanitarian. They are weird, quirky, aloof, can seem  unemotional or cold. They are very intellectual, creative and logical. Yes you can be all 3 of those.  They are independent af, progressive and forward thinking, and are big picture thinkers.   I’ve had my birthday shit on a number of times, including having a family funeral that took the whole...

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